4333 Highway 11 E
Lenoir City, Tennessee 37772

(865) 986-5699

We Invite You To Join Us
For Worship!

Edward L. Click, 

Loving God, Loving Each Other

Sunday Services

Sunday School - 9:45 A.M.
Morning Worship - 10:45 A.M.
Evening Worship - 6:00 P.M.
Youth Worship - 6:00 P.M.

Wednesday Services

Fellowship Meal: 5:15 P.M.
AWANAS: 6:00 - 8:00 P.M.
Bible Study - 6:30 P.M.
Choir Practice - 7:15 P.M.


We invite you to come and worship with us at Highland Park Baptist Church.  If you have any questions about our ministries, please call 865-986-5699.


Highland Park Baptist Church worships to lift up high the name of Jesus and let him meet the needs of the people.  We also provide a nursery during Sunday School and worship and have Children's Church for four year olds through second grade, followed by "Bible Buddies." 

History of our Church

Highland Park Baptist Church was organized in 1913.  Many things have changed since that day, yet the vision to be a spiritual lighthouse in the community remains the same.  The face of Highland Park Baptist Church has also changed much over the years.  A Fellowship Building, Kitchen, and Sunday School Rooms were built and dedicated on February 21, 1993.  A new Worship Center was built and dedicated on April 26, 1998.  The new Worship Center includes additional Sunday School Rooms, as well as, our Administrative Offices.

God is Good All the Time

Staff Members

Pastor:  Edward L. Click
Interim Music Director: Bill Wilkinson
Youth Minister: Ryan Hyers
Secretary:  Doris Henline
Sunday School Dir.:  Roy Goodwin
Pianist:  Frava Limburg & Brenda O'Dell
Organist:  Betty Galyon
Children Church Director:
Dana Brown & Cynthia Campbell
Custodian:  Glenn Garrison


Bill Coffman Russ Limburg
Jim Creek John Moats
Roy Goodwin Darrell Salyers
Dave Hullfish Bob Tinnel

Highland Park Baptist Church Ministries

Ministries Offered

Highland Park Baptist Church offers a variety of Ministries to it's members.  Our goal is to orient new members to all programs available and give everyone an opportunity to become a part of our out-reach services.  These ministries are an important tool designed to bring people closer to the Lord.

Creative Ministry

Creative ministry uses Drama to express our beliefs in God and to witness to the community using God centered material.  Skits, as well as, stage productions enhance the worship experience at Highland Park Baptist Church.


Black Light Puppetry

An energetic, musical ministry provided by our Youth department, who minister during the year with activities such as:  V.B.S., nursing homes, mission trips, and other local churches.

Bible Study Courses

Throughout the year, opportunities are available to enlist in small bible studies either in a members home or held on specific evenings at church.

Adult Choir

The adult choir is an excited group of believers that tends to be one of the more active groups in the Music Ministry. The choir leads in weekly worship and presents special programs throughout the year. Smaller groups such as the praise team and women's ensemble are selected from the adult choir.

TV Ministry

Each Sunday, our worship service is televised through our local Station, Channel 38/Cable Channel 12 shown at 4:30 p.m.

Team Kid

Structured Wednesday night program of bible study, activities, and snacks for children 4 to 12 years of age.

Wednesday Night Suppers

During the school year, a delicious home cooked meal is prepared by our cooking committees.  Dinner is served prior to Wednesday night worship service, from 5:15-6:15 p.m.


The homebound ministry is designed to minister to the needs of our elderly homebound, as well as, church members who are not able to come to church due to illness or recovery from an illness.  Prayer, home bible study, and music are part of this ministry.  Other projects such as running errands are also available to assure a better quality of life for members.

Women's Ministry

WMU meets the first Sunday of every month at 6:00 p.m. to focus on missions and ends with prayer for our missionaries.  WMU has assisted in an annual women's retreat which encourages women to fellowship together while enhancing one's spiritual growth.


Vacation Bible School

VBS provides an outreach to our community giving people of all ages an opportunity to come in a casual manner to attend sessions such as: bible study, crafts, recreation games, and snacks.  VBS is held for a week during the summer.


A men's organization designed to help men become the Spiritual leaders God intends.  Some of their ministry involves community services and needs.  Among their recent activities are painting and repairing the homes of widows and senior adults in the community.


The church meets each Tuesday at 6:00 P.M. to go out into the community and visit.

Sport Programs

A variety of sporting events such as baseball/softball/basketball/bowling are offered throughout the year.

Senior Adults

One of the most active groups at Highland Park Baptist Church, this group meets quarterly for worship and inspiration.  Monthly trips are taken to local points of interest, as well as, extended trips.  This group also has a bi-weekly visitation program to minister to shut-in's and nursing homes.


The Youth have their own worship service on Sunday nights at 6 p.m. in the old sanctuary.  On Wednesday night, Youth have Bible study and high-energy learning activities.  In today's world the youth need our support and prayers.


Sunday School Statement

The Mission of the Highland Park Baptist Church Sunday School Department is to teach the Inerrant, Infallible Word of God.  This is accomplished by Intimate Settings that promote Dynamic, Interactive Learning.  We believe that God's word is Inspired by the Holy Spirit, and as such, is Without Error.  We believe that the study of Scripture is Fundamental to Christian Growth and Outreach.

Sunday School Classes

We have a Sunday School class for all Ages.

God is good...

all the time!!

If you are interested in more information about our Church, Sunday School classes, and/or Ministries please contact our Church at (865) 986-5699.

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